Project management training London

Choosing a your project management training course is not easy. Firstly, you need to decide your budget. There is no point in even looking for project management training courses unless you have the budget to attend the course. 

Secondly, decide your location. Do you want the training delivered in house for several of your staff or colleagues, or do you want to send one or more individuals to a public training course. If you have six or more delegates, usually it works out cheaper if you ask the training provider to come onsite to deliver the course. 

Knowledge Train offer a one day project management training course for 6 delegates priced at £1,800 for a day plus expenses. That would save you £450 plus travel, hotel and subsistence costs. For more delegates, the price increases, but so do the savings when compared with the standard open public day course. 

So, if you are serious about project management training, there is nobody better to deliver the course than Knowledge Train.

20 Old Bailey
United Kingdom.

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